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Top 15 children's books of all time

 Hi! Today I'll be reviewing my top 15 personal children's literature favorites of all time. Let's dive in!

#1 Agatha Oddly by Lena Jones (fictional author)

This is an extremely sweet and adventurous book and has an action on every page. All three of them - The Secret Key, Murder At The Museum, and The Silver Serpent, are my new favorites. They're so full of action; they make me feel like: Is the book finished already?! when I get to the last page of any of these.

I recommend these for ages 10 and above because it gets a bit violent and dangerous at times.

I hope you'll enjoy teaming up with Agatha, Liam, Brianna, and the Gatekeeper's Guild as much as I do!

#2 Case Closed by Lauren Magaziner 

Whom should we interview? Whom to accuse and whom to trust?...

I really like the genre of this book. You get to choose your own path and depending on your choices, everybody gets a different ending, some good and some... well... let's just say unpleasant.

With exciting choices at every turn and crazy villains with even crazier motives, kids ages 9 and above will love helping Carlos Serrano, and Eliza and Frank Thompson solve the mysteries by solving math puzzles and making complex choices!

#3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl

This book is a bit of a classic adventure, with awesome descriptions and an awesome world, this Wonka-tastic book will lead you into an epic journey of deliciousness!

This is for kids above 6 as it's too sweet (pun intended) not to read. Join Charlie, Grandpa Joe, four nasty kids, and Mr. Wonka on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the (fictional) biggest chocolate factory in the WORLD!

#4 Matilda by Roald Dahl

Smart kid protagonist? Check. Telekinesis? Check. Awesome teacher? Check. Evil headmistress and sadistic parents? (sadly for Matilda, more action for us) Check.

This book has it all! From psychic powers to everyday emotions, from unbelievable antagonists to a love of reading, this book rocks! Positively awesome.

Kids 6 and above will adore this adventure with Matilda, Ms. Jenny, the Wormwoods, and Ms. Trunchbull (along with the rest of the characters)! 

#5 BFG by Roald Dahl

In this awesome adventure with An orphan, Sophie, The Queen of England, BFG himself, and the nine beastly giants, kids will love to read about how the Sophie-BFG duo and how to stop the awful atrocities of the giants who eat kids.

I'll go with 8-year-olds on this one because kids below that will probably find it scary that giants eat kids.

#6 The Bird with Golden Wings by Sudha Murty

Awesome whimsical fantastical tales and characters jam-packed with words of wisdom, this is an awesome book I'd definitely recommend. The enchanting collection of stories bubbles over with fun.

I'm going with 8 and up on this as some stories include themes a little heavier for kids smaller than that.

#7 A Dollop of Ghee and a Pot of Wisdom by Chitra Soundar

Okay, this book is definitely underrated. It has awesome folktales and mischievous, relatable characters (mainly Prince Veera and Suku) and is totally bursting with culture and fun.

I'm going with 6 and up for this short but sweet book.

#8 Geronimo Stilton by Elizabetta Dami (under the pen name Geronimo Stilton)

THIS BOOK SERIES IS AWESOME! I mean it was literally 'THE' book series when I was in first grade, you couldn't be a reader without it! It is fun-filled and humorous. Join Geronimo and others of the new mouse city in these thrilling adventures.

I recommend it for ages 6 and up.

#9 The Room of Many Colours by Ruskin Bond

This is an awesome medley of all of the best kid's stories Mr. Bond has written! From the conceited python to the big race, many such stories will delight kids.

I'm going with 8 and up for this, just to be on the safer side.

#10 Grandparents' Bag of Stories by Sudha Murty

This is an awesome collection of stories and is set during the lockdown 'era'. It has adventure stories, mystery stories, magic stories, and many many more. There are some slight mentions of romance hence,  I believe this is for 8-year-olds and above.

#11 Thea Stilton by Elizabetta Dami (under the pen name Thea Stilton)

This is another one of the 'THE' series, back in third grade, it was super popular! Anyway, this is awesome, adventure-filled, and has nice illustrations to go along with it.

I recommend it for ages 6 and up.

#12 Charlotte's Web by E.B White

This is a classic book but it's awesome! It's a heartwarming story of a young pig who is saved from death and makes and loses friends along the way. It's a fun and engaging yet somewhat sad book, with some mention of romance.

Kids 9 and above will enjoy this barnyard classic.

#13 The Serpent's Revenge by Sudha Murty

This collection of unusual tales from Mahabharat is one-of-a-kind! Never before had I actually read some of these unique stories and I enjoyed them a lot. 

I'm sure my nine-year-old and above friends out there'll enjoy this book!

#14 The Daughter from a Wishing Tree by Sudha Murty

This book is very awe-inspiring and empowering. Quoted directly from the blurb of this book: "The women in Indian mythology might be fewer in number, but their stories of strength and mystery in the pages of ancient texts and epics are many..." This statement totally sums up the book for us.

Nine-year-olds and above will love these epic tales.

#15 The Man from The Egg by Sudha Murty

This book has amazing stories of the holy Hindu trinity and is an awesome, fun-filled read. From the story of Brahma's fifth head to the title's namesake story, this is an incredible blend of mythology and fun stories.

I'm going with nine-year-olds on this one.

I hope you gained some insight into the world of children's literature from this blog!

Happy Reading!

Signing off,


  1. Thank you a great list would come handy this summer!

    1. Hi! Thanks for the comment! Enjoy your summertime reading fun!


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